Tuesday, April 12, 2011

'let me riddle you a ditty it's just an itty bitty little thing on my mind' ~happily ever after (he is we)

there are 17 days left of classes. graduation is in 33.

4 years. and it all comes down to 33 days. i have 33 days to laugh as loud as i want with the ones i love. i have 33 days to make memories and more mistakes than i'm willing to admit. i have 33 days to go on ferry rides and stargaze, wander the aisles of the candy store, meander down DoG street, dance around and jump on my bed in my dorm room, pull all-nighters to write that paper i should've been working on for weeks, order cheesy bread and have it delivered to Swem, giggle during staff meeting, go on midnight runs through CW, take pilgrimages to WaWa, chat with the bouncers at the Leafe, sit at the picnic table outside of Chandler. i have 33 days to quote song lyrics while walking to Wren, trip over bricks and watch movies instead of doing homework. i have 33 days to take enough pictures to last me a lifetime. i have 33 days to not give a flying f*ck what anyone thinks.

i have 33 days to say goodbye to the place that has provided me with challenges i thought insurmountable, friends who are unsurpassed and memories i will never forget. w&m has given me the opportunity to run, streak, jump, paint my face and scream at the top of my lungs, laugh enough to render ab workouts unnecessary, cry enough to last me for years and party with Thomas Jefferson for his birthday. 33 days. i have 33 days to say goodbye to the college that changed me in ways that i never thought possible; the institution that gave me countless experiences and opportunities and made me the person i want to be. i have 33 days to say goodbye to home.

now is not the time to question, to pause. now is the time to yell, go crazy, sing, run barefoot in the pouring rain, dance so ridiculously everyone stares. you can sleep later, so stay up late and have conversations that seem trivial now - soon they will hold a special place in your heart. stop second guessing yourself and just do it. believe. laugh. smile. embrace. cry. be scared - it's ok - just don't let it keep you from enjoying this last month. don't waste your time on people who don't deserve it. don't spend these last few days worrying. be in the moment. tell those you love how much they mean to you. stop fretting about the future, the present is what matters. smile like you've never smiled before. close your eyes and relish in the moment. love without boundaries, speak without inhibitions, listen to your music too loud, and have too much fun.

my story isn't coming to a close, but this chapter is almost finished.

live. just be. 33 days to just be. 33 days to just be happy.

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