Sunday, February 7, 2010

'you've finally made your move, now i'm here to make mine' -the love i wanna be in (jason aldean)

while i'm on this whole 'being bolder slash more confident' kick... i've decided that it almost needs a list of its own. i've devized a 5-step plan to becoming a more confident individual, here it is:

1. stop apologizing: i've realized that i say 'sorry' entirely too much. there isn't anything wrong with apologizing, but i say it too often for things that don't really warrant an apology. if it isn't my fault, i'm not going to apologize.

2. make eye contact: when i walk to class, instead of staring at the ground like i normally do, i'm going to look ahead and meet people's gazes. and smile. this terrifies me - but it's going to work wonders for my self-esteem (hopefully).

3. give my two cents worth: i hardly ever raise my hand in class, but this semester that's going to change. while this does entail me having to actually complete all of my reading in a more timely manner, it will also involve me having to think quickly and not being afraid of sounding silly in front of my classmates. additionally, i'm going to give my opinion more often when working in a group setting. this scares me, but it needs to happen.

4. learn how to wink: yeah - it can be creepy, but it has the potential to be super awesome too ;)

5. flirt shamelessly: i'm excited about implementing this one at work, but i need to figure out how to carry this over into real life as well.

and there it is folks. my foolproof plan to becoming more confident. adding this with my current job and my friends to back me up - this is going to happen.

ps - i worked on the whole 'walking in heels' thing the other day - and i've decided that it's definitely a mindset. think the strut, be the strut, walk the strut.

1 comment:

  1. "think the strut, be the strut, walk the strut."
    Couldn't agree more. It's all in the mind!
