we all made 'lists' for the new year - sort of like resolutions, but it's more like things we want to accomplish or experience. mine is as follows:
- talk with God more often; thank him for his blessings
- be bolder / more confident
- learn to walk in heels - correction: learn to 'strut' in heels
- wear a two-piece bathing suit
- work on my bucket list (more specifically... go to Italy)
- sell one of my pictures
- read a favorite book of each of my close friends
- learn how to dance (to move my hips like 'yeah')
i really really really want to be a more confident person. confidence is attractive. in reality though, i think the underlying necessity is for me to stop letting myself care so much about what other people think - i don't want to worry about whether or not a classmate disagrees about something i say in class. or if it's ok for me to dance like nobody is watching. or if people think i'm attractive. or if a boy likes me. unfortunately, easier said than done.
upon discussing these things with a close friend, we also came up with two lists for this spring semester - one of goals and one of mini adventures that we wanted to take throughout our junior spring:
- get a kickass body
- meet extraordinary boys/men
- focus on getting good grades
- go on adventures :)
- have the best birthdays yet! (2.1.)
- attend as many concerts as financially/physically possible
- meet new people
- get over a fear
- give an attractive, complete stranger my number
- dance with someone whose name i don't know
- watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day
- have a picnic
- go on a photo shoot
- ride a horse
- play in the rain
- sleep under the stars
- sing karaoki
- sing loudly in the car and keep going when people stare
- take the weekend off, leave campus, and don't talk to anyone (except maybe mama)
i'm excited to see what this semester and year has in store - i have this feeling that it's going to be extraordinary - life changing - magical even. 2010 is going to be phenomenal... i can feel it